Breaking News

Employment Law

39. Enforcement is on the Rise Against Non-Compete Agreements. Is Your Business Ready?

February 3, 2024

January 2024 A whopping one in five workers in the U.S. has signed a non-compete agreement. Companies use these contracts to protect trade secrets, reduce employee turnover, and improve their business leverage. Detractors say non-competes decrease wages and are burdensome to workers. Private litigation is on the rise against non-competes and some states are now […]

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37. How the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling May Impact Your Business

November 23, 2023

November 2023 The U.S. Supreme Court has declared that university admissions policies must be “color blind” under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, breaking with decades of legal precedent and resulting in challenges to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at universities and elsewhere. Many employers worry their own DEI policies and programs may be […]

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36. How the Cases Before the Supreme Court Could Impact You and Your Business

November 1, 2023

October 2023 The Supreme Court of the United States is in session. After its seismic decisions last term, SCOTUS has set its sights on another slate of high-stakes cases that could again transform elections, policy, and public life. On the docket are the First Amendment, gun rights, racial gerrymandering, and the power of the executive […]

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